August 6, 2010

Macro Friday

I totally forgot that today is Friday so I didn't do any macro shots while I was out and about today. So I figured I would use this one I took earlier in the week.


  1. What a great shot! This needs to be an ad for somewhere!

  2. That is so creative! It reminds me of my aunt and uncle's pool table or in college when we use to go to a pool hall down the street after classes. I'm curious what the story is behind this in your house???

  3. Oh by the way, my first time to your blog. Your little Caleb is adorable! I have two little boys myself, 2 and 4.

    Nice to meet you, I'm a new follower! :-)

  4. it's at my grandparents house they just built the "pool room" because I guess they're avid pool players like in leagues back in the day. I set up the balls and was walking around the table trying to get a feel for a picture when I saw that. Oh and thank you very much! =)

  5. This is a very cool shot - I love the perspective.

  6. I really like this! Great job!

  7. Now this is a photo my husband would appreciate!

  8. Awesome shot. Just add darts and this is my hubby's Saturday nights.

  9. such a good ideas for a macro ;)

  10. Great shot! Interesting perspective and nice bokeh.

  11. Great shot. Very interesting perspective. I would totally blow this up and hang it in the room where our pool table is.. IF we had a pool table :) Well done! I love your blog. I am following you now!

  12. Very cool shot........ great idea!

  13. cool...I love playing billiards :)

  14. Love it! What a creative subject! I had to show it to my boyfriend who loves playing pool ;)

    I love how you set the shot up and the kind of "rustic" look to the chalk.
