July 22, 2010

In Loving Memory....

of my absolute favorite dog ever! Lincoln who was just a puppy in this picture took his last breath Tuesday at doggie daycare. This is what my Uncle said: He was having breathing problems, so we think it was that and maybe a heart condition or some thing like that, we don't really know he just laid down in the grass and took his last breath, we are all very confused and upset, he was only 3.5 years old, he was a great dog and we feel privileged to have been able to give him a great home and lots of love!!!!!

I am so thankful that he did go to such a great home after my Mumma and "Daddy" split. Daddy is in parenthesis because he is my step-dad. My biological Dad lives in Florida, but that's another post. Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln. Little buddy I'm sure going to miss you as will everyone.


  1. Oh he is adorable! I had a boxer that died at the age of 9 of lymphoma and her shortly after she was diagnosed her kidneys began to fail. I just loved her, they are a wonderful breed.

  2. they are the best! we had a boxer ages ago and she was wonderful! but this little guy was absolutely the best! he was great with everyone, especially my little boy.
