March 26, 2011

Get Fit, Get Healthy, and Get Confident!

I am joining the Get Fit, Get Healthy, Get Confident Challenge!

Weight&Height: 130/5'4

Fitness Challenges: I've been doing a variety of different workouts this week, belly dancing is my favorite. It's way easier than I would have thought. I will be starting the 100 push ups, 200 sit ups, and 200 squats challenges this week.

Food Challenges: I have been eating way better, not that I ate a lot of junk before. I've been having a salad every day for lunch, I could eat salad all day!

How well did it go?: It went very well! I am so proud of myself for actually keeping up with the working out aspect if it!

Failures&Slip ups: I need to drink more water!

Weekly Challenge Wisdom: I don't have anything other than stick to it! You are so worth it!

Advice to fellow Get Fit members: Don't give up no matter how hard it may get!


  1. Love your selfie - you are beautiful!

  2. You are adorable!!! But you lost me at 100 push ups. I don't think I could do 10. You go!

  3. Great job both on the workout commitment & the photo.

  4. The push up situp and swuat challenges are awesome. I completed the squats a few weeks ago, am on the last week of sit ups, and week 3 of push ups. It works so well and so fast! Good luck!

  5. You look great! Good job on keeping up with your workouts:)

  6. Belly dancing is cool. I love it. Tried it out about a year ago, but stopped after a while. I still have the shimmery belt. Once in a while I wear it and dance to Akon's Belly Dancer :)

    Love the selfie!

  7. Beautiful selfie!! Way to go on belly dancing!!!!!!! That's amazing!!!

  8. You're beautiful, girl! I love the little smiley face you put at the end of your sign :)
    Great job on the begining of your get fit challenge! See you again Saturday!
