July 23, 2010

5 Question Friday

Two Posts today. I would've done them together but I found this while looking at the entries for Macro Friday, which you can check out my entry right here. You can join 5 Question Friday and Macro Friday too.

1. What were your school colors? 
    Green and White. Two colors that I never had in my closet!

2. What's the best compliment you ever received?

  I love when people tell me my son is the cutest "baby" they've ever seen.

3. Do you buy cheap or expensive toilet paper?

 Expensive! I can't stand that cheap half ply stuff!

4. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? Or have you had one for someone else?

Yes, back when I was like 5. All I remember is that my Gram had to take me somewhere so my Mum could set up.

5. What is one material possession that you "can't live without"?
Without a doubt my camera! 
Quick story: Hubby went four wheeling with my old camera and he ended up flipping his wheeler and sure enough broke my camera and also my heart! lol. Oh and he lost his wedding ring. But he broke my camera! I was devastated. But now both have been replaced.
I would be lost without my camera now!


  1. Hey there! Stopping over from 5QF. I'm glad you got your camera back! I have always wanted to go 4 wheeling but never have. Which is weird since I live in WV and everyone does it here. Have a great Friday!

  2. Oh you should see if there's a rental place (four wheelers) around it is sooo much fun! Thank you, you too =)
