July 28, 2010

Playing Catch Up

So it's been a few days. A lot has happened! I'll provide pictures and stories to go with them.

First let me start by identifying everyone. The boy is my half brother Alex, the girl under him is my  half sister Sara. The one next to Sara is me, and the lady above me is my Aunt Michelle. So Friday I went to visit my Aunt because Alex is up here for a couple weeks (he lives in Florida with our dad.) So naturally I wanted to see him, in fact it was the first time I've seen him in 9 years! Last time I saw him he was 4. We didn't say much, not really sure what to talk about but it was nice seeing him.

 My mother-in-law went blueberry picking the other day and gave us a bunch of them. So I made this blueberry sauce I found on this blog. It went great with the chocolate marble cheesecake I made from
the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook. Top it off with a dollop of homemade chocolate whipped cream. Delish!

Yesterday Hubby and I went on a date to NH, but before that he brought me to pay a long over due visit to my dear friend Max's grave. In fact it was the first time I had ever been there and he passed away in 2002. He had a heart problem, I'm not sure what it was. But we were outside playing like 12 year old kids did, running away from MY little sister when next thing I know he's down on the ground. We later found out that he was dead on the scene. Ever since then I've blamed myself, maybe of we weren't running away from MY sister he would still be alive or maybe lived longer. So back to the picture, we were just driving along in NH when we looked over and saw this van. We panicked for a second thinking it was driving in the wrong lane when really it was just on the back on a tow truck. We spent the day walking around the mall, Barnes&Noble (aka my would be second home) and mini golfing. Then it got tragic. We were on our way home when we saw some people directing traffic. There had been an accident, an SUV hit a motorcycle that was waiting to turn onto a side road. I saw the motorcycle, clearly damaged, and the man that was driving the motorcycle. He was laying in the middle of our lane, he wasn't wearing a helmet. I prayed for him, I prayed hard! Prayed that he would be okay. The scene reminded me of Max, it was like the same image that I have of Max but this man was 33 not 12. Just like Max he was also pronounced dead at the scene. Only exception I know in my heart this one could have been prevented.  



  1. Memories like those always come back at odd times and make me sad too :( I'm sorry about your friend.

  2. they do come at the strangest times. and thank you.

  3. Very sorry about your friend.

    I’m following you from Follow Me, Chickadee Friday. Please follow me back on my blog “Inspire!”


