July 30, 2010

Macro Friday

Already Macro Friday over at Blogging From Bolivia. Man, I always have such a hard time deciding which picture I want to use because I have sooo many that are macro. I start Project 365 on Sunday so that should give me some more pictures to use. Anyway I think I'll go with this one. It was really accidental. My camera wouldn't stop focusing on the fence. But I really like it, especially because the lion in yawning.


  1. I like this perspective - it's kinda different.

  2. My camera does the same thing - I suppose the only way not to get it to focus is to get the lens through one of the gaps in the wire or else increase the f stop Certainly makes for an interesting photo.

    Oh I see the yawn now!

  3. I am still trying to work my camera too...I like the picture!
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  4. Love that you can still make out the lion in the background. Nice!

  5. Very creative! I like it! A nice perspective :)
